Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Welcome to the New World!

I lost my job last Friday. What that means is... The company I have worked with for almost 10 years ( hired on August 15, 2004) is under going some major changes. And, this old dog is not included. So, with an 8 week severance package, I have some breathing room to pursue an interest I've been intrigue with for the past couple years... Can I make a supplement income of a couple grand a month? This would give me the cushion I need to thrive, especially if I have to accept a lesser income job since I am now re-entering the workforce at 57 years of age. So, the point is, I've never really found a need to keep this blog active. But, now I have entered a time that this blog is to play a key role going forward. I would like to think I can set an example by paving the way for other's in my same circumstance. But, that is still to be seen. To be continued...      

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