When my friend first turned me on to this fascinating book, I was truly impressed with the simple therapy it introduced. The extremely simple daily regimen outlined is very inexpensive (less than 2 cents a day). As the Congress tries to come up with a "magical" solution to provide affordable health care for all, why not take a more proactive approach and stack the deck in your favor? Instead of looking for ways to service your ailments, how about if you could avoid incurring those ailments in the first place? I'm not one to jump on every new "hokus pokus voodoo cure". But, this one actually makes sense. Now, you don't have to be rich enough to fly off to some exotic clinic which touts some experimental "rebel" cure to the world's diseases. The startling thing is that you may very well be in possession already of this simple and effective cure-all to today's currents illness the big pharmaceuticals have brainwashed us to believe we have to spend billions on in medical care costs! Bottom line is that when I find an inexpensive therapy like this that can help millions of people who have no other way to help themselves, then I AM going to share it and I’m sure you will want to do the same thing. Why not take the next step and check out the amazingly simple home therapy you can do every morningto put the future of your health back into your own hands!...
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